27 September 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - , 6 comments

Three Word Sunday

Well unfortunately I jumped on the rumor roller coaster and got a bit sick. I knew I shouldn't have done that!!! Roller coasters and me just don't mix at all!

Last week Big J started swimming and has come home from school everyday exhausted. The picture above was how I've found him more than once last week. He'll be doing swimming for the rest of the trimester, so I'm sure this isn't the last time I find him completely passed out at 4pm! To make matters worse, he's been having MAJOR growing pains. He came out of the shower a few nights ago and was freaking out about some marks on his hips...turns out they are stretch marks and it was a bit trippy to literally sit there and watch them form. Poor guy.


OMW..don't see that very often from our kids..
It is amazing how boys can grow sooo fast..
Have a great day..

Hubby got those when he was a kid-he has more thatn I do and I have three bio-kids! Sorry about the rumors-I hate hate hate waiting!

He must be in a major growth spurt....WOW.

I am so sorry that there isn't better news or rumors at this point....what a wild month. Feels like we have been waiting FOREVER for this batch to come out.

Try to keep the faith...


cute picture. Unfortunately I remember all too well how CRAZY the end of this journey makes you - you feel so close - yet so far.....

Do his knees hurt? Zach's knees are always hurting and we've had him looked at over and over and had an MRI done and everything looks fine.

They grow up so fast!!

Hugs and hang in there!

Keep smilin!