17 November 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008 - 5 comments

A perfect weekend

At least this is our perfect rendition of a perfect weekend....

Friday night relaxing and just relaxing. Good food in our tummies and lots of TV catch up (LOVE my CSI and LA Ink)and lots of family chat time.

Slept in Saturday and got up to YUMMY Santa Cruz coffee and made a big breakfast, dutch baby. After being lazy for toooooo long I had to get ready for my show and change a thousand times because dang it was almost 90 here! I spent the day here.... (it's the green house, not the little yellow one, which was nice too, but...) while my boys worked on the roller coaster and patched holes on the house. The show was a huge success and I did really well. I made an even bigger contact and got into the Children's Hospice Fundraiser in April. I'm so stoked!

Anyway, the show was good and the day was well spent. I made some good connections and got to mingle with some G@0gle folk, an ex FBI agent, as well as some cute kidos. I, as you may have guessed it, came home and wanted to crash, but I have the best husband in the world who took me out to sushi. Dream!!! Jacob had a movie birthday party with a ton of friends and we offered to do the pick up of kids after the movie. It was pretty funny sitting out front of the the theater watching all the teens doing their teen thing. Good times.

Not to put Saturday to sleep too early, we stayed up super late and watched Be Kind Rewind. I totally recommend it! It was not only hysterical, but a real feel good movie.

Sunday again was a sleep in and enjoy the good coffee. But with the weather being so dang hot, we had to get outside, so I dragged my husband and child and of course the girls and we went for my long walk. It was perfect. We came home and had late lunch/early dinner and then headed back to the theater for a matinee of Bond, James Bond. It was an okay movie, not normal Bond. Do make sure you see Casino Royal before you see this one, they go together. The entire time we watched the movie we gorged on popcorn mixed with a bag of chocolate/caramel covered popcorn. PURE BLISS this is! After that we came home and ended our weekend of perfection with some 60 minutes and bed time.

And that my friends is a perfect weekend, at least in our eyes. As for the week ahead, I don't know...it's one day at a time but I do know for sure, it's hot and we are praying for rain. We are fortunately far from any fires but are keeping a close eye on the devastation in Southern CA. Our friends and family there are in our prayers.


Oh, I am so jealous! It sounds like you were in heaven.

sounds fabulous to me!

Hope your family is all ok.

have a good week.


That all sounds amazing. I would call that perfect. I love how you always appreciate every little lovely thing kayce!! You are one of those super people!!

Sounds absolutely magical!! (I should be writing this in green I'm so jealous!!) :) You deserve every minute of it! Hope your week is going just a great!

What a great weekend. Two back to back sleep in days is a dream come true.

What is up with the weather. It's hot in Phoenix as well.

We saw the James Bond movie too. I agree...not a typical "Bond" movie. Although I didn't eat any candy, I did enjoy the eye candy (tee hee).