18 November 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 11 comments

Newton's Laws Roller Coaster Style

It is done. Our boy did a fantastic job and went above and beyond to ensure an A for this fun project. Not only did he do this without a partner, excluding the help from his dads, he also chose to do a power-point presentation instead of a poster, and he did a tri-fold brochure to lure you to the Wild Bull.

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So cool, don't you think??!!?? I have no idea how the guys got it in the back of my truck, I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I have to help J take it to class. The thing is a meter tall, wide, long and whatever. I guess that's a meter square or to me just big.

Jacob we are so proud of you! You did a fantastic job on this project and it is one for the memory books. Thanks for working so hard on it and beating all the deadlines you had. You ROCK and make us smile.


Soooooooooooo way cool!!!! You have a fabulous head on your shoulders my Jacob!!!


Wow! That us totally awesome. Great job Jake!

Next I want to see pictures of how you fit it in your car :)

That is awesome!!! Way to go Jacob....what a fantastic job!!

Good luck transporting it!


I couldn't have done any better myself... excellent..

Great job Jacob!! Hope your mark reflects all your hard work.

Wow, very cool. Great job, Jake! Totally excellent slideshow, sis....

VERY cool! Congrats on a job well done!

Keep smilin!

You did rock it, amazing project..

That's amazing! Good job!

You are kidding me! Wow!!! Dan, who is a physics teacher is very impressed as well! Way to go Jacob!!

That's awesome! I can't believe he built that.