23 April 2008


Gotta love me some Nat Geo...I found the issue today and am nose down in it!

I just love the photos in National Geographic, my parents always had a subsription when I was a little girl, I loved to look through it.

Cool shot and thanks for the heads up on the article!! I love the shot of your sweet pup and am praying for her!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, if its okay... I am giving your link to another blog mom who just got home from China. She has a singer and I wanted her to see your video of that little girl singing amazing grace (or one fo those songs!) If you want to see the video of her little singer who can't really talk yet but the performance is there@! She is unspeakablejourney in my links.

Hope you are having a fantstic day, Kayce!!!!

Oh my gosh! How precious!