22 February 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010 - , 14 comments

A mommy and daughter day

Welp today was the first day the cricket and I were on our own and we had a splendid day!  We managed to get the house vacuumed together...gotta love the ergo!  We made some more baby food, sweet potatoes and carrots...YUM!!!  We got a few loads of laundry done and put away....still lovin that ergo!  We had a nice long walk at the beach in our stroller then made our way to the grocery store.

Let me say that walking into my grocery store made my eyes well up with pure joy!  I have dreamed of doing my shopping with baby in tow for years now.  Several of the store employees greeted us and of course ooooohhhhh and ahhhhhhhed over the cricket.  They had followed along on our journey in China and have been eager for us to get back to our regular Monday shopping so they could meet the newest shopper in town.  As I was checking out another employee came and introduced herself and then told me about her siblings who were adopted from China three and four years ago.  Ahhh the world of adoption is all around.  I love it!

If you only came for pictures...I've got some cute ones for you!    :)

Cherry Blossom branch from my sister...Thank you LaLa!

Little ham!  This picture is horrible but the moment was classic...we were making sweet potatoes and she'd just tried some for the first time and wanted more badly...

And finally...the look of a future blogger.

Hope your Monday was fab!  Tomorrow we are off to the doctors for a complete exam...not looking forward to the blood draw.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


It sounds like you had a fun day! Cute pictures!

As I am counting down the days till we go and pick up our sweet new addition it is nice to read about your journey. Such a sweet daughter you have.....I cant wait!!!

she is adorable!!! You made me cry...I remember venturing out for the first time with each of my girls and how proud I was to show them off to people in our town. The pictures are adorable!!!! Love your new blog.

Tears of joy here! I am so very happy that your first day of girls only was a success!! What fun you had. I remeber those days.... Now it is going to be mom and son! YIPPEE.....

5 days and take off!!
Cricket is so so cute.....

Luv ya,

Love it..
crying here for you and for me..
I have sooo much to tell you ..
I will be thinking of you tomorrow..
Love ya tons..

ur cricket photo at the right column is sooooooooooooooooo cute=]

Sounds like you are doing so well.


sounds like a wonderful day. Love the pictures too :0)

I love the new look! Looks like you and "the cricket" are having some wonderful times together.


Cute pictures! I'm so glad all is going well!

Oh how I love her!!!!

Love you too, Kristy

She is so sweet... I can;t stop looking at her precious little face!!

Good luck tomorrow....I am sure it will be fine.



What sweet pics. There are going to be so many "first" in your future. Enjoy each and every one of them! Even grocery shopping takes on new meaning!!! It's amazing!

So fun isn't it!! :) Praying the blood draw wasn't too hard on Jennifer or you.