30 December 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 - 6 comments


To give happiness to another person gives such great merit; it can not even be carried by an elephant. ~ Bhutanese Proverb

Soon after the referral of our little sweetness, I received this most amazing box of gifts from a very dear friend. Kim, thank you so, so much for your friendship and for Baby J's first pair of fairy wings and tutu! I can not wait to get her all gussied up and watch her twirl around the house! I see a video in the future!! I also see a day when both our girls will be twirling around our legs having fun while we laugh about life's perfect moments. Thank you again for everything!

Along with that super cute fairy set, the box also held a gift so beautiful I literally burst in tears when I saw it. Kim's mom has been making blankets for many babies and we feel so very blessed to be able to wrap our Jennifer in one of her beautiful blankets. Thank you so much Mary! Thank you! Soon I will be wrapped up in it's beauty with my daughter while we read a book together or fall asleep together. She will know who lovingly made this for her and it will always be a treasure for her.


You are soooo VERY WELCOME.. I can't wait to see Jennifer in her blanket made and given with PURE LOVE..
I sooo can picture the day that Jennifer and Isabella are running around with tutu's.. and we are laughing together..
Love ya ..
And Thank you .... for being a Wonderful Friend..
Have a Wonderful New Years... and lets hope that Isabella comes into our lives this year...

The fairy costume is precious and the blanket absolutely beautiful.

They are wonderful gifts!

What thoughtful and adorable gifts!

Happy New Year!

What lovely gifts for Jennifer, I can't wait to see her home enjoying them. Kim is the best and her Mom is the sweetest so many babies will be warmed by thier love.
Have a happy New Year!

What a beautiful quilt and look at those wings and tutu!!! Love the them!!! Kim is such a sweetheart!!!
This is your year!!! Happy Happy 2010 to you and your family!!!

OH my, the famous blanket from Kim's Mom. We have a lovely one too. Same style but ours is lavender. Isn't it just beautiful?