01 September 2009

Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 9 comments

My prayers are with you today-4pm updated

UPDATE: Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts. My grandma made it through surgery just fine and dandy, even cracking jokes with the nurses on the way up to the surgery suite. She is doing well and just wants to be home right now but she will spend the night tonight and start chemo in the morning then home in the afternoon tomorrow. We now wait patiently for the pathology results to come back (a few days) from tissue inside the bladder to see if the cancer has gone into the muscle of the bladder. Let's pray it hasn't and that the cancer is gone. That's what I'm doing, praying it's gone. Thanks again for your emails, calls and love. You have no idea what it means to me and my family!

My grandma goes in for surgery today. She will be fine for that I'm sure, for God is in control. (Besides my grandma today, a young man in our community will also be going through surgery as well. If you have a few minutes to read through this blog, Journey Through Fire, you will find the strength you need to get through anything.)

Please join us today in prayer for those who are in need of prayers of healing and of strength. Thank you.

Lord God, we come worshipping you today with grateful hearts that you are our keeper, the one who continually cares for us. We come praying today for many people. We pray for all who are in need of healing. We pray for all who are disabled by injury or illness. We pray for all who are troubled by confusion or pain. We pray for all whose increasing years bring weariness. We pray for all about to undergo surgery. We pray for all who can not sleep. We pray for the doctors, nurses, and all staff here at the hospital. We pray for patients here at the hospital and their loved ones. We pray the prayers which are written in the prayer book here in the chapel. Lord, hear the spoken and unspoken prayers on the hearts and minds of those gathered here today.

Into your hands, O God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, love, grace, and protection.

Chaplain Shauna Silmon


Special prayers and get well wishes for a couple of amazing people!!

Keep smilin!

Will be thinking and praying for your grandma.

Big hugs and I cant belive how close you are!!!!


For your family, and especially your grandma and her doctors - thoughts and prayers are with you.

Just read your post Kayce...my prayers are for no more cancer.

Take care of yourself,


So glad to hear that she did so well!! Will continue to pray that the pathology results come back negative.

Thinking of you,


I will be praying my friend.

Glad things went well.
have been thinking of you all day..
love ya my friend..
Have a great week..

I'm glad the surgery went well. I'm sure you all are breathing a little bit easier now!!