04 September 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009 - 3 comments

A Moon Festival Tale...

Barefoot Books has released a new book, well actually a few new titles that are all fabulous, but this one will have a honored place on our bookshelf. Lin Yi's Lantern comes out just in time for the Chinese Autumn Moon Festival and tells a wonderful tale of a little boy with a wonderful heart who knows how to bargain. The book is filled with beautiful illustration and has a great educational piece at the end. This is a great addition to anyone's bookshelf and I just had to share!


I'm so glad you reviewed this... I saw it on their site, but I usually don't purchase a book unless I've had time to flip through its pages. I'll make an exception for this one though, especially since there are so darn few Moon Festival books out there.

WOW.. looks like a great book..
I will have to check it out...
Have a great weekend..
Love ya..

Thanks for all the book recommendations! I love reading to my kids. I still read to Jacob and Benjamin almost everynight...at age 13, Jacob still likes it.

On another note: I read your comment on Mardi's blog and just had to hop on over here and remind you (not that you need reminding) that all of the dreams and visions you have had of Jennifer being with you and your family on your camping trips are soon going to become a reality! tee hee...this is going to be such an exciting month!!!