06 September 2009

Three Word Sunday

A few months ago a door opened for me and I was hesitant to walk through it because, well life is on hold right now. But after some talk and going over scenarios, I am now working for a great mommy run start up company!! The best part is that I will be working out of my very own house, something I've been dreaming of for YEARS!! I still feel like I'm dreaming a bit, but next week I go from training to working. Soon I'll put together a post about the company and it's incredible product, until then...Enjoy the rest of your long weekend!


This is so cool Kayce! I can't wait to hear more about it. Congratulations!

Hey, I'm coming up for a quick trip next weekend. Joe said he would watch the kids if I wanted to get out for a quick dinner(Lisa and Scott are going out of town). What are your plans next Saturday? Let me know!

YEA.. can't wait to hear more about it..
I would LOVE to work from home..
Have a great weekend..

Hey, congratulations. Hope it all goes well for you. How great to be able to work from home. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

That is wonderful! Congratulations :-)

Congratulations, Kayce! This is great news.


This sounds wonderful!! I can't wait to hear the details....CONGRATS!


Congrats Kayce, that is awesome, can't wait to hear all the details!!

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

WHAT?! You go girl...spill it!

as someone who drives all her kids to school - this sounds very interesting!

congratulations & to work from home!

Wow! Congratulations...woking from home?! How exciting!