05 February 2008

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 - 16 comments

The Edible Cell

J had this really cool assignment in science to do...make an edible cell. Yes edible! Of course with his love of rice crispy treats he decided that would be his "cell" base and then to use icing and Mike/Ikes as the cell parts. Needless to say his cell was by far the tastiest and the most popular one in class.

Getting started
Adding the parts of an animal cell
The finished cell
Man is he changing!! My handsome boy!

PS - He got and A+ on the project!!


Oops! Sorry to get your hopes up. I mis-read your post and got excited for you. Your day to celebrate will come before you know it and I'll be celebrating with you!

That cell J made is AWESOME! He totally deserved an A and I'm glad he got it. Looks like he had a fun time making it too...very creative!

OMG.. I'm a dimwit sometimes. I read the first few lines and thought "Why would the teacher want them to make cell PHONES?"

That icing is making me hungry!

What a yummy project!

He is handsome...and creative, just like his mama

You're so lucky you have forum to brag and post pictures of your son! Mine would flip his lid. Nice job J, and thanks for letting your mom brag on you. Moms need it.


If you close your eyes and bite down I'm sure it's incredibly yummy!!!!!! :) Very creative Jacob!!

What a great job he did. My son made something similar last year.

Omigosh, that is great! I am so glad he didn't do some jello mold thing for this sort of a project.

cool project and cute boy... i think he has the makings of a great chef!

I am sure the dentist is going to love his class... hehehe

Way to go! That looks like a fun project.

Very cool. Eating that would have given me cell-ulite though ;)

Looks like there are some tasty mitochondria in that cell ;)

Way to go on the A+!!!!!!!!!1