Monday, February 11, 2008 -

4 things
4 jobs I’ve had:
1. Gift wrapper
2. Crossing Guard
3. Production manager
4. Electrician's assistant
4 movies watched over and over (these are the ones I will always stop to watch if I see them on TV):
1. Sixteen Candles
2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
4. American President - Only because I have too. DH LOVES that movie and watches it over and over and over and over and over....
4 places I’ve lived:
1. Claremont, CA
2. Mt. Baldy, CA
3. San Luis Obispo, CA
4. Santa Cruz, CA
WOW! I need to move out of the state!
4 shows I watch:
1. Run's House
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. CSI
4. LA Ink
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
1. My mom
2. Allison
3. someone trying to sell me crap
4. Sarah
4 favorite things to eat:
1. Sushi
2. tortillas
3. Jello
4. chocolate
4 places I’d rather be:
1. Camping ANYWHERE
2. China
3. Hawaii
4. the mountains
4 things I look forward to this year:
1. Spring Break
2. My birthday
3. Summer
4. My son's birthday
I just thought this was good ole plain fun...
I enjoyed reading your list. You are funny! And Our whole family is so jealous that you lived in Santa Cruz!! (Don't move out of the state!!)
I love getting to know people a little better this way.
Thanx for sharing!
Fun way to get to know you! We used to live in Ontario, CA and liked to walk around downtown Claremont.
I like jello too. Try mixing 7 red hots in black cherry jello. (my grandma always did that). it's pretty tasty
Great list! There's no need to go out of state when you live in a warm climate.
Here's something else interesting about you...YOU ARE OLDER THAN ME!!! You're April, I'm May...tee hee!!
You are a California Girl through and through.
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