02 September 2007

Sunday, September 02, 2007 - 6 comments

I'm in BIG trouble!

OH SHIT!!!!! We hooked up our wireless this weekend and I can blog, compute, listen to my iTunes, and just plain Google the shit out of everything, ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Right this second I'm sitting in the living room watching TV, looking out my bay window at the beauty of the twilight and I'm BLOGGING!! I just finished making dinner, which was this Salmon Quiche, which is from my favorite meal planning site. BUT now instead of printing out a tree to follow my recipe, I. CAN. READ. IT. FROM. MY. LAPTOP. IN. MY. KITCHEN!!!

Among other things today, we rushed Molly to the ER this morning. She's home now, but we're not sure what happened, she couldn't walk, her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was NOT well. The doctors ran tons of tests, gave her TONS of fluids and let her come home. She is really tired now and just fast asleep. The docs think she might have a LOW white blood cell count. Keep her in your prayers.

During our 6 hour wait to bring her back home, we started the nursery! Yes, I said it! Yesterday I emptied the room and steam cleaned the carpets. Today Mike worked on the dresser and I put the crib back up, bedding and all. Stay tuned for pictures.

Well, the Salmon Quiche is ready and I've got something new to Google!


You're in big trouble while I'm over here in BIG envy!! What I wouldn't GIVE to be upstairs in my bed leaving this comment...

Please keep us updated on Molly cuz now I'm worried...

Isn't wireless great? I don't know what I did without it. I hope your "baby" is okay. That salmon quiche sounds sooooo yummy!

I'm am addicted to my laptop and the wireless connection. I spend WAY too much time on the computer.

I hope your Molly will be okay. :-(

Ah, the reason I haven't gone wireless. I would NEVER be off of the flippin' computer.

Poor Molly - I'll be thinking of her.

Oh yea, love my wireless!!! It is amazing and wouldn't trade it in for the world!!!

woo hoo wireless!

I am worried about mollydog.