21 September 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 2 comments

Lunch and breakfast is just boring.

I know I haven't posted much during the 30 Days of Nothing challenge about our breakfasts and lunches but for good reason...we don't eat too much exciting stuff for either meal.  Breakfasts Monday through Friday usually consist of a bowl of Bran Flakes and an apple with peanut butter for me or the hubbs.  The cricket isn't a big breakfast girl and enjoys a piece of toast with some prunes and an apple slice or two or a bowl of cereal.  Big J has that bowl of bran and a plate of two eggs, toast and kiwi or cantaloupe.  Like I said...boring and not much change day in and day out.
On the weekend we might get a little exciting and Mike will make all of us his famous oh so yummy belgian waffles....YUMMMMO!  But beyond that....not much else for us.

Lunches are about the same as breakfast...boring.  For us though, we crave simple lunches of peanut butter and jelly on flax bread (which has 50 calories a slice!)  or whole wheat for the kids and my most favorite lunch is a fuji apple and peanut butter (yes we eat A LOT of peanut butter!).  We'll throw in some carrot shreds, tomatoes, some kind of chip, a fruit, some almonds and a big jug of water.   I am the only one who enjoys the leftovers for lunch and usually will heat up whatever is there to enjoy unless we're out for a playdate.   I also pack Big J a lunch everyday which is about the same...two PB&J's, nuts, chips, granola bar and apple or oranges.   Boring ole lunch in a boring brown bag...but no money spent on school lunch unless it comes out of his own pocket.  We also instilled in him in elementary school that if you don't like what's in your lunch sack then pass it on to someone who has no lunch instead of throwing it away.

Our dinners are quite obviously our most exciting meal around here.  I'm not sure why I don't give more attention to the other meals of the day but I just don't.  I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have been a diabetic almost my entire life and meals need to be just about the same day in and day out.  It may be boring but it's consistent for my blood sugars and insulin consumption and has helped my husband loose almost 90 pounds two years ago.   We aren't big snackers or eat many sweets either and again it all comes back to my diabetes and consistency.  Some may think I'm depriving my family of food or treats or whatever but for us it's normal and it's healthy and it's a rule to maintain my health and my husbands weight.  Now don't get me wrong, we do have a sweet tooth in this house but instead of buying boxed sweets I'll make a big batch of cookies or brownies and can control the amount of sugar that goes in them and in us and the amount of unnecessary garbage that is in processed food.  :)

As for the 30 Days of Nothing challenge??  We are in this and holding strong!  Monday was a super busy day of me doing my taxi service position as a mom and I was driving allllll over town, back and forth, and here and there.  We had minutes to spare between Mandarin class and school pick up and doctor appointments and bible studies and homecoming practice and let me tell you I would have LOVED to have stopped in at Subway for lunch!  But no we came home and made a quick lunch and then turned right around to head back out and we even drove right past my favorite coffee shop and I didn't even feel a pang.  That made me feel pretty darn good.  Have we created a habit yet??  I hope.

Last night after dinner we sat down and separated our salad bowl of change and began counting it all up.  SO far almost $60.00 in change alone!  The monies we've put away from this challenge is close to $600 and still counting.  WOW!


Congratulations!!! You're doing so great on the challenge. $600+ so far...that huge.

I think it's wonderful how healthy you and your family eat each meal. I love Alvarado bread (do you get it fresh since it's located in N. Cal? We've been eating it on and off for many years. So healthy and delicious. I haven't bought it in a while. I might have to add it to our grocery list for next week.


WOW! that is amazing how quickly the funds add up, you know? I need to do something like this. Even though I am saving I am sure there are so many little ways to save more! thanks for your honest dialogue and keep up the good work!
