15 September 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 5 comments

A beautiful memory

It was warm and beautiful that day.
At four I left my 1 year old with my parents.
Rushing, I came home and started to get ready.
The time was coming near, 6 o'clock loomed.
I found the dress, perfect.
Then I stressed!
I only had moments to spare.
The finishing touches went together well,
I slipped on my shoes and polished my lips.
Pacing the floors I heard a knock at the door.
Opening slowly to see the person on the other side,
he was standing there so nervous and sweet.
In a moment of time this blind date was no longer blind,
but a spark was ignited.

This was the man who made me weak.
This was the man who made me feel complete.
This was the man who fell in love with me for me.
This was the man who became my soul mate.
This was the man who I met on a blind date 11 years ago today.
This IS my husband!

I love you M! I love you!


Awww...that's so sweet! Happy Anniversary!

AWwwwwww. A love story. A blind date. Did you ever learn to sign?

p.s I have missed you. I am behind in blog stalking and for some reason, couldn't stop thinking of your gas station post. Okay I need a life.

Pains me to admit you're a (me gagging) couple of cuteness.

What a great story and picture! Congrats you guys.

You two look like a postcard of cutie pie freshness. (That's a good thing)

Happy Anny.

OMG, how beautiful! Not only the post, but the two of you!!!!! Happy anniversary!!! :)