29 March 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 18 comments

The Lantern

Today marks a milestone in our wait for our daughter, today is our 1095th day or 36 months or 3 years of patiently, (okay, well not always patient) waiting. Not soon after our dossier was logged in with the CCAA, I went out to find a lantern to hang in our home, something to remind me daily of the other life waiting for us on the other side of the world.

Little did I know then that that lantern would still be hanging in the same place I'd placed it three years ago. But there it is every morning when I walk down the stairs it greets me and is there when I asend the stairs at night. It is there to welcome our friends and family when they come into our home and puts a smile on my face when I leave for my daily walk. While there is no actual light in it, it shines bright and has never dimmed in these three years. I have never thought of taking it down even at Christmas, nor has anyone in our family said two words about it, it's just known as a family member that is yet to arrive.

It is our light.

It is our daughter.

Our Little Light...

We are missing you little one and rejoice in knowing that you are there somewhere in China waiting for us. Our lives are soon to be joined and forever changed. The prayers we utter are filled with your birth family, your caregivers and most of all, you.

You are treasured!

Mommie and Daddy


Happy 3 years!!!
getting closer........

Soon, very soon!

Happy 3 years! What a ride is has been. I'm so glad to have gotten to share part of it with you.

3 Years done!

Keep smilin!

What a beautiful reminder of your baby girl. 3 years closer and soon you'll be seeing the sweet face you've only seen in your dreams so far.

Happy 3 years!!

Love the photo. Love what it represents and the thought and love you put into it.

Hoping for you all that it truly is not much longer.

Symbolic, she will be the light of your life, your so close, hang tight.
We put a red ladybug ribbon on our front tree, the neighbourhood rejoiced with us the day they saw Jennifer cutting it off the tree, they knew she had become a big sister, happy day!!
Can't wait to see your Jennifer home with you...

I have looked for one for awhile.. but can't find one around here..
Happy 3 years.. we were 23 months yesterday.. you are soooo close.. I can't wait till we are all home with our baby girls..

What a gorgeous sentiment... I too would leave the lamp up if I had put one up...
Hoping that our turn arrives soon... though we have waited this long... a little longer won't hurt :)
Hugs to ya

Happy 3 Years!! You are almost at the finish line of this very long race:)


3 years down! I like your pretty lantern. Terri

The lantern was such a good idea. We are so much closer... it is starting to feel real now! :)

Beautiful lantern and very beautiful words. I hope you don't have to wait much longer.

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Happy 36... three years!!!

Love the lantern and what it reminds you of.... your little gal and light of your life.


Love this post.

Hang in girlfriend.

3 years wow!


I love this post. Even though I never waited this long, I can certainly appreciate all your emotions over these past three years. Happy 3 years to you...

Happy 3 years! I love the lantern idea. Very cool.