07 September 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 16 comments

The miracle of life itself

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on the water; but to walk on the earth. --Chinese Proverb

Being a diabetic for most of my life, I can easily say that I always live my life to the fullest, after all life is way to short. I take nothing for granted and when I want something I work hard at accomplishing my goal. I go through each day with such passion and drive that it caused several gray hairs to sprout prematurely on my poor husband and parents heads, sorry guys, I love you! So when I wound up in the ER last night due to a malfunction with my insulin pump, which resulted in no insulin for almost 24 hours, I took my life is too short attitude and made the most of the experience.

After getting checked in and settled, I was immediately taken care of and then stopped dead in my tracks. The nurse who was hooking me up to an I.V. started asking about a medical issue I'd had 8 years ago, one that changed my life for ever. She told me a friend who was a mother figure to her had the same issue and had passed away from it and I of course knew this was coming out of her mouth before she said the words. Tears immediately came to my eyes and even as I write this I am struck with emotion. She is the fourth person that has crossed my path who has lost someone from this. Anyone who knows I had this proceeds to tell me they lost a sister, a mother, a father, or a friend. And I am always struck with awe. Awe for myself. Awe for God.

Why me? Why was my life preserved when I have yet to meet someone who has lived through what I have. What purpose do I serve in the life I lead is the question that has been on my mind since I got home last night. I fell asleep last night with my prayer beads in hand and prayers on my lips for knowledge of the truth. I think I know deep down that my life purpose is already happening because when I woke up from that surgery 8 years ago I knew then I was a miracle and life was just beginning.

Sharing my coffee this morning with my husband I told him that life is a miracle, all of our lives are miracles. That was the first thing on my mind this morning, miracles. I may not truly know what my life purpose is yet as it may not show it's face until I've raised the next president of the United States of America or given life to someone else though my life's knowledge or the donation of my heart. Until then I will continue to live with the glass is half full attitude and remember what is real and important.

Yes, while life is too short, it is also a miracle.


By the way...I'm totally fine. My blood sugars were way too high and I was in desperate need of fluids. I easily could have not gone and dealt with it at home, but obviously someone needed me to talk to that nurse. God, I love how life works!!!


BEAUTIFUL! You are a miracle, You bring so much joy into other's lives... it is your gift. I know you cheer my day when I read what you write either in posting or comments.... thanks for who you are...

Ok, after typing my post and then coming here to read yours, I am in need of a HUGE box of Kleenex.

Thanks for the uplifting comments, and the wonderful posts. Thanks for being you!!

hugs ~

But that IS the miracle Kayce... you are LIVING it... full. Living life to its fullest, embracing it fully- taking it all in, that IS the miracle. It isn't about doing great things - only about doing small things with great love, as Mother Teresa said- that is where the miracles are...

You're an amazing person.

I agree with Kris. Completely.

I had the same struggles of conscious after my near death experience. I was desperate to know what my purpose was. Why I lived when others don't. And I felt tremendous pressure (that I gave to myself) to pay it back. I felt obligated.

When I started to openly discuss my feelings someone said to me.... "maybe your purpose is just simply to still be here because all the people that love you weren't ready to lose you. Maybe the miracle isn't for you...but for them."

Those words helped a lot.

I'm am so glad your all right Kayce, what a scare.
It does remind us that we are living miracles, to be well and enjoy our love ones.
I am in a remission right know, I suffer from what can be a potentially deadly disease, I took treatments for 18 months, when I wake beside my hubby every morning and hear my girls playing in their room, I smile, I beat the odds and I'll gladly accept my miracle with blessings.
I am so glad your beating your odds, the world is a better place for it!!

Oh my Gosh, Kayce, while reading this I burst into tears. You scared me! I'm so glad you are okay. You are right. Each of our lives is a miracle and we are lucky to have the opportunity to live it. This message comes at the perfect time, as last night I received an e-mail from our adoption agency telling us that there is a chance that this adoption will not go through. I have to try not to get mired down in this uncertainty and negativity and just be grateful for all that I have. So hard to do. Thank you for the reminder.

I hope to still see you next weekend, if you are feeling better. I can fill you in on the details then. This process really is a roller coaster ride, with all of its ups and downs.

Never take life and what we have for granted. Thx for the reminder.

Happy that you are okay.

Keep smilin!

I am so glad that you are OK...what a scare...as soon as I started reading this my heart was in my throat!

Life truely is a miracle and you certainly live life to the fullest!

First, I'm glad your Ok and feeling better.

Second, I'd say you're living your purpose every day. What a great example you are to your son. What a great example you will be to your daughter. You inspire others (me) with your words here - I have no doubt you will inspire your kids to live live fully too.

Best wishes.

Absolutely, outstanding post! Love you friend.


I am glad you totally fine and home.

God has big plans for you. Your glass may be half full, but it is 100% full of God's plan. :-)

I'm happy to hear that you're okay. We recently had a health scare too (everything is also fine). It sure does make you remember to stop and smell the flowers.

I'm so glad you're okay, and that this was a life affirming experience for you.

I didn't see this post until your post today. Life is good...what an amazing women you are. The world is a better place because you are in it.

I'm so glad you are OK. You are one stong woman. Keep searching for truth...keep praying about..you will find it!

Sniffle sniffle...need a tissue. So glad you're able to appreciate God's mercy while enduring your own pain. The are new every morning!

Big hug,