26 April 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 7 comments

Some notes

I mentioned in my post yesterday that I was taking Jacob here after school. Well we went and let me tell you that YOU MUST GO!! Find a kid, find a location or just go with your best friend and have FUN!! What a concept. Jacob had a large bowl of cereal with the following ingredients:

1 scoop each of these cereals:

Ree*ses Peanut Butter ball things
Cinn*amon Toas*t Cru*nch
Frui*t Loo*ps

With 1 scoop each of the following toppings:

Luck^y Cha*rm's marshmallows
and TWO scoops of Po*P Rocks.

CAN YOU SAY YUCK!!! His bowl was a mess of popping when he added the milk but he enjoyed EVERY SINGLE bite. I myself enjoyed some Specia*l K with a banana and a scoop of Luck*y Charm marshmallows. YUMMMMMMM
This shop JUST opened downtown and we will be making the 20 minute trip there once a month for a fun treat...find one near you today!

I also mentioned that I had the night to myself last night and was going to spend it making a bag and watching chick flicks, well I made a different bag that was equally as cute as the one pictured and I did see a chick flick. My neighbors asked if I wanted to go to the movies and see Baby Mama Yeah I was bawling for the last 45 minutes of it. I DO NOT RECOMMEND any of us adoptive moms to see it, it just hit too close to home with this wait that we are enduring right now and just how hard it is having someone else holding the strings of our lives. The movie was pretty funny, but it just made me want my baby in my arms TODAY!

Well I must enjoy the day, it is beautiful and I've got a HUGE sewing project on my hands for all you mama's out there....stay tuned!!! You are all loved by me!

See you for Three Words Sunday....


Thanks for thinking of me Kayce. This depression sometimes just kicks my butt. I love this song. Who is it? I must have it on my IPod.

Oh my gosh that cereal place sounds AMAZING. Doubt there's anything in my small town remotely like it though... what a concept.

I still want to see that movie, I am a huge Tina fan :O)

Num...I think.

Picture of the bag please!!! As a novice sewer I need inspiration.

We don't have that restaurant here, I'll keep an eye out for it next time we're south of the border.

I have never heard of this place. It sounds strange and gross and good all together. The boys would love it. I swear they eat ceral all day. It is breakfast and after school snack and sometimes right before bed. They love ceral-- I go to Costco and get the big packs and still have to refill every week or so. They eat the crap stuff but love it so I still buy it. I persoanlly love cookie crisp-- it is like a yummy treat but I always feel sick after eating it-- oh well gotta splurge sometimes.

Thanks for the heads up and I am totally seeing Babys Mama soon. It looks way too funny!!

Christy :)

can't wait to see what the HUGE sewing project will be!


I heard that movie was really good. Sounds really silly, so I had my doubts...