01 August 2007

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 - 9 comments


Okay so I've had this NASTY headache ever since I "electrocuted" myself on that stupid ball at OMSI last week! They've gone from a ferocious roar to a dull ache and I'm plain sick of them! Any remedies you all might have for me??

Speaking of headaches....I'm on my way to mail our application for the renewal of our I-171! Hopefully we can get this all squared away and renewed before 2020 when we leave for China. I'm glad to have most of the paperwork done and the home study is next week, boy oh boy can't wait for that! Let's see if it takes 11-12 weeks again like it did when we applied the first time! I don't think my headaches will go away if I have to wait that long!

Among other news, Jacob just drove off with his dad for his first tuna trip. I have put this event off for 12 years and the day has arrived. His dad has been asking me since he was 4 to take him 200 miles out near Mexico to go tuna fishing, and I being the nasty, bitchy ex and scared shitless mom, said no not until he is 12. Dear GOD help me!!! Jacob is 12! now and for his birthday he got this trip, a trip of a lifetime and the boy can barely contain his excitement. They fly down to LA tonight then board the boat tomorrow night and fish until Friday night or Saturday afternoon. So I will be praying extra hard that he stays safe and doesn't get eaten by a shark or fall off the boat and drown or worse yet get lost at sea in some freakish accident! OH MY I gotta get a grip!

I guess my grip will be my own little adventure to LA...Mike and I fly down tomorrow night to our dearest friends house and take care of their babies while they go on a four day cruise. (UMMM they'll be on a boat too, near Mexico...) I'll be within driving distance to Jake if there is an emergency on land, but not close enough to feel secure! So yeah, I'm looking forward to this little trip and so is Mike actually! He thinks we are gonna have an easy time of it...YEAH RIGHT!!! Three year old twins and a 6 year old VERY active boy! UM I'm thinking that we will need to find some serious fun activities to partake in. Please pray for our sanity! We may come back and decide that having more children is just toooooooo much! Just kidding, I'll take 20 more kids and be happy!

So I leave you with this great picture of the Jakestr and the babies we get to play with all weekend.....see ya later!


I can definitely understand your apprehension but I'm sure he will have a blast! I can't wait to hear about your babysitting adventure (or more importantly, what a "breeze" it was for your husband!)...

The kids are VERY cute!

I am sure it will all be good and he will bad you some sanwich fixins!

Keep smilin!

When you say LA, do you mean Los Angeles? Cause if you do, maybe we can hook up! That would be cool! Oh, and if you got my e-mail, please ignore the fact that I gave you my cell phone number to call me in Big Sur this weekend, where they have no cell phone service. Uhhhhh.....Duh! Seriously, we just came from your neck of the woods and I was bummed it didn't work out for us to get together.

Advil Liquid Gel Caps.
Good luck!

Um, voluntarily watching twins and a 6 year old? Are you on crack?
Let me know how that works for you
:) and send me the Coles notes.

just another paperchaser checking in on you... hoping your I-171 woes are soon behind you.

Super cute kids! I'm sure that he'll be fine fishing with his Dad. Hopefully he'll have a great and safe time.

Have fun with them babies! Cute snowmen shirts.