Monday, August 20, 2012 -
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The beginning of 12th grade
My dearest Jacob,
Today is the first day of your senior year of high school!! WOW!! It was just yesterday that I dressed you in shorts, a plaid button down shirt and a tiny pair of vans and sent you off to kindergarten....just yesterday. Then, you were SO excited, today you may feel a little overwhelmed, a little tired and a lot of joy to finally be at the end of high school...but your not quiet yet...the best is yet to come!
This year will be magical and filled with amazing memories! Don't hate it before it happens but instead embrace it as it will be over before you know it. If you reach a rough spot during the year, turn to God for help and know that we are here for you you too. If you reach a high spot, know that we are right along side celebrating with you!!
I've waited a long time for this year to happen for you and here it is...take it and run! It's all yours and we are SO proud of you! Enjoy each and every second and do everything you can because trust me it wont happen again. Here's to you and the class of 2013!!
I love you my little buddy...more than all the fish in the sea!
xoxoxo! G
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